Monday, 4 August 2014

Job: Grief and Loss, Depression?

In the Old Testament book of Job there is a story about a man who was “blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil.” His name was Job, and in Hong Kong terms he had a very diverse portfolio. He was a very rich man, had accumulated a lot of livestock and had servants to work his estate. He had seven sons and three daughters and was considered the greatest man in the east. (1:3) However, the evil one, who was “roaming about on the earth and walking around on it,” tells God that the only reason why Job was faithful was because God was protecting him. Satan claimed, that if Job were tested he would not remain faithful to God. And so, God allowed the Satan's to put Job to the test. Job’s entire family was killed, he lost his herd, his estate, and all his belongings were destroyed. Job also lost his health. It is recorded that when Job’s friends heard of all that had happened they came to visit but “when they lifted up their eyes at a distance" they, "did not recognize him.” (2:12) Job suffered not just with physical and emotional aliments, he also suffered physically:

       30:28 infections/darkened
       30:30 peeling skin
       7:5 erupting sores
       19:20 emaciation, anorexia
       30:30 fever
       7:16; 30:15 fits of depression
       16:16 weeping
       7:14 nightmares
       7:4  sleeplessness
       19:17; 17:1 putrid breath
       16:16 failing vision
       19:20 rotting teeth
       2:12 haggard looks

It appears that Job, may have suffered with some depression.

“My spirit is broken, my days are extinguished,
The grave is ready for me."(17:1)

“Terrors are turned against me;
They pursue my honour as the wind,
And my prosperity has passed away like a cloud.
And now my soul is poured out within me;
Days of affliction have seized me.
At night it pierces my bones within me
And my gnawing pains take no rest.” (30:15-17)

“I am seething within and cannot relax;
Days of affliction confront me.
I go about mourning without comfort;
I stand up in the assembly and cry out for help.” (30:27-31)

That being said, Job never looses sight of God. Job gives profound discourses of his belief in God, despite of all the suffering. See Chapters 26-31

Today, I am in Halifax Nova Scotia, on the Atlantic Ocean. Halifax knows suffereing. It is home to the Halifax explosion which occured in 1917. The city was shattered when two ships collided creating the largest man made explosion before Hiroshima. Halifax was also instrumental during the search and rescue for the Titanic.  Suffering can come in many forms and as you know, people face it differently.  Reflections on the suffering from survivors in Halifax.

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