it has been said that the Bible has been on the bestseller list for years. The
Bible is a collection of writings written over a span of 1500 years. Many
Christians believe it is the inspired Word of God, that is, directed by God and
written by approximately forty contributors. The Bible, unlike other sacred
texts, reads as factual news accounts of real events, places, people and
dialogue. In spite of the unique personalities, writing styles, language and
cultural diversity, there remains a unified message pointing the reader to God
Himself, the author.
The Bible
consists of 66 books. The Old Testament contains 39 books, which includes texts
of poetry, law, prophecy, history and wisdom literature. The Old Testament was
written in Hebrew except for the books Ezra and Daniel written in Aramaic. The
Old Testament sets the stage and lays the foundation for the foretelling of
Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The New Testament
consists of 27 books and was written in Greek. In the NT the reader is exposed
to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God. The Apostle
Paul is credited with writing half of the New Testament and there is much to
learn about Christian living and the early church from these pages. The Bible
ends with dramatic views of the future where the Apostle John describes a new
heaven and a new earth.
The Bible
is a love story. It is a story about a loving God; a God who created us, knows
us, loves us, and wants to be in a relationship with us. It is a story about a
rescue mission. It is a story about a great healer, who offers wholeness, purpose
and meaning for our lives. While the Bible does not answer every question we may have, it
does chronicle God’s presence throughout history. It shows us how to live in
harmony with each other, begging us to act justly. Today the
Bible is translated into 2300 other languages.
Want to
know more? Check out these films or pick up a copy for yourself at a local
bookstore. There are many readable translations; the Message can be a
refreshing alternative to the more traditional texts.
Trailer for
“The Bible” movie as shown on History Channel.
Trailer for
“Son of Man” now in Hong Kong cinemas
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